Gonzalez, D., & St. Louis, R. (2012). Using technology for the creation of ESP materials. TESOL ESP News. The Newsletter of the English for Specific Purposes Interest Section, 6
Gonzalez, D. (2012). Review of TESOL Technology Standards: Description, implementation, integration. Language Learning & Technology. June 2012. Vol. 16. Number 2. (pp 31-34). http://llt.msu.edu/issues/june2012/review2.PDF
Gonzalez, D. & St. Louis, R. (2012). CALL in low technology contexts. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer-assisted language learning. Chapter 12 (pp. ). London & New York: Continuum http://www.continuumbooks.com/books/detail.aspx?BookId=162237&SeriesId=2185 ISBN: 9781441193629
González, D; St. Louis, R. (2012). Promoting Learner Autonomy with Web 2.0 Tools. In C. J. Everhard, J. Mynard, & R. Smith (Eds.), Autonomy in language learning: Opening a can of worms. pp. 238-247. IATEFL, Darwin College, U. of Kent, UK. Canterbury, Reino Unido. 2011. ISBN: 978-1-901095-32-6. Published as e-book –PDF
Gonzalez, D. (2011). Teaching Spanish in Second Life: A Case Study. In N. Talavan, E. Martín & F. Palazón (Eds.), Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of LSPs: Proceedings of TISLID’10 . (171-178). Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. ISBN: 978-84-362-6217-9
Gonzalez, D., Palomeque, C. & Sweeney, P. (2011). Teaching Spanish in Second Life. Chapter 8. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Digital Education: Opportunities for Social Collaboration . pp. 143 – 166. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-11158-5, ISBN10: 0-230-11158-0
González, D.; Sweeney, P.; Palomeque, C. (2010).”Task Design for Language Learning in an Embodied Environment”. Chapter 15. In Giovanni V. & James B. (Eds.), Teaching through multi-user virtual environments: Applying dynamic elements to the modern classroom, pp. 259-282. IGI Global . Hershey, PA , USA. PDF
González, D and St. Louis, R. “The use of Web 2.0 tools to promote learner autonomy“. Independence. 2008. Vol. 43, pp. 28 – 32. Also published online: IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group : http://www.learnerautonomy.org/articles.html PDF: http://www.learnerautonomy.org/gonzalezstlouis.pdf Invited article.